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Schedule of Events

Doors open at 6:15pm

6:30 pm - 7:30pm 

  • Community Engagement
  • Silent Auction
  • Enjoy delicious appetizers 
  • Open Bar* 
  • Wander a few of the museum exhibits - 'Space Odessy' and 'Gems and Minerals'

7:30 - 8:30pm

  • Cash Bar*
  • Live Auction
  • Engaging with the community

*Please remember to bring your ID, if you plan on enjoying the bar services. The first hour of bar service is included with your admission then Cash Bar from 7:30-8:30pm


  • Silent Auction closes
  • Keynote Speaker: Gary Staab
  • KACF updates


  • Event ends


There is no need for black tie tonight but feel free to get a little dressed up if you want. We love anything animal themed!


This year, KACF is going digital with our auction processes. When you purchase your tickets, please follow the directions to register with CausePilot. By imputting your information at registration, you will be able to seamlessly set up max bids on items, pay via credit card and collect your winnings at the end of the night, see items prior to the event via the webiste, and more. There is no app as everything will run off your browser on a smart phone and there is FREE WiFi at the museum. 

Auction purchases are only availalbe to those 18+. Paddle/Bid#'s will be assigned to each Adult and Adult+ ticket. Bidding Paddles will be dispersed at check-in. Please return at the end of the event.