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Peter Moore

Online Auction Item
Item #90
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Est. Value: Priceless
Bid Increment: $10.00
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Masks 2024
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Shattered was created by a writer, cartoonist, and animator for KUNC, the Colorado Sun, and Colorado Life magazine.

As I held the hammer in my hand, the thought hit me: If that myth about breaking mirrors is true, this could mean 10,000 years of bad luck. I swung anyway, pounding the mirror into thousands of shards for my mask mosaic. Why not break the eyeglasses and frame, too? I'm playing with ideas about how, when we look into one another's faces, we often see reflections of ourselves. Maybe, broken. Even Mick Jagger felt that way when he sang, "I've been shattered! Sha-doobie." Shattered rolls its eyes and says, “Tell me about it. Sha-doobie.”