2024 Invest: Saddle Up for Scales!
Greetings, Scales community! We are grateful to live in a city that provides an outstanding public education for our children. However, there are needs for our school that may not be met by Williamson County funding, and our principal and teachers believe these needs are vital to helping our students succeed.
This year the campaign theme is "Saddle Up for Scales"! The Scales INVEST campaign will support the school's needs by providing committed funds for our Reading Interventionist Assistant’s salary, landscape maintenance, technology updates, and supplies that will make it possible for teachers to provide the best education for our children, as well as other needs that arise and all of our incredible PTO events through the year!
It is important to know corporate sponsors play an invaluable role to our school. All donations are 100% tax deductible, and various advertising opportunities are available to help spread word of your generosity and support!
We have four levels of giving opportunities with two ways to submit your donation; pay online (plus transaction fee so that 100% of your sponsorship dollars go to the school) or by check.
The campaign sponsorship link is live, so please give today! We appreciate our sponsors of years past, present, an future, and we look forward to a partnership with you!